Successful Renewal Audit for Environmental Management System (ISO 1400…
2011.03.02 09:28
28 February 2011
Successful Renewal Audit for Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)
The Environmental Management System of "K" Line group was established in 2002 in support of ISO 14001 which is international standard for environment activities; and our EMS has been surveyed by the external auditor " Class NK." The year 2011 is the year for renewal survey which is conducted every three years, and we successfully passed the renewal audit and new certificate has been issued by the auditor.
On this occasion, the scope of application was expanded to every branch office of "K" Line (Japan) Ltd. and Tokyo branch office of Taiyo Nippon Kisen Co., Ltd., which are our group companies, and was approved. Expansion of the scope was also carried out in 2010 when "K" Line Ship Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. joined our EMS. (*1)
For our environmental activities in ocean transportation service, compliance of international treaties and national or regional regulations is absolutely essential. But such compliance is not enough for environmental protection; therefore, we are striving to develop new type machinery requiring less energy and emitting less CO2, NOx and SOx, et al. These activities are based on our EMS and requiring operation of so-called PDCA cycle (*2) to improve our activities and contribute to environmental protection.
Furthermore, the environmental activities in our office operations are also important issues even though the affection by the operations to the environment may be smaller than ship operation, but we recognize it is impossible to ignore them and are making efforts in our office work to minimize waste, energy consumption, paper, water, etc. One of the procedures to realize our office environmental activities is relocation of our Tokyo office which will move this autumn to "Iino Building" that is now under construction! We believe our operations in the new building will contribute to minimizing environmental load, improving environmental awareness and, of course, improving our ocean shipping services as well.
*1) the scope of application of our EMS
- Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" Line)
[Group companies]
- "K" Line Ship Management Co., Ltd.
- Taiyo Nippon Kisen Co., Ltd.
- Escobal Japan Ltd.
- "K" Line Ship Management (SINGAPORE) Pte. Ltd.
- "K" Line (Japan) Ltd.
- Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
*2) PDCA cycle :Repeating following 4 steps; Plan > Do > Check > Act, and
improve the operation continuously.
For further information please contact:
Makoto Arai
General Manager, IR & PR Group
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-3595-5189 Fax: +81-3-3595-5001
Toshiaki Takasaki
Manager, Information & Public Relations Team, IR & PR Group
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-3595-5083 Fax: +81-3-3595-5001
Successful Renewal Audit for Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)
The Environmental Management System of "K" Line group was established in 2002 in support of ISO 14001 which is international standard for environment activities; and our EMS has been surveyed by the external auditor " Class NK." The year 2011 is the year for renewal survey which is conducted every three years, and we successfully passed the renewal audit and new certificate has been issued by the auditor.
On this occasion, the scope of application was expanded to every branch office of "K" Line (Japan) Ltd. and Tokyo branch office of Taiyo Nippon Kisen Co., Ltd., which are our group companies, and was approved. Expansion of the scope was also carried out in 2010 when "K" Line Ship Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. joined our EMS. (*1)
For our environmental activities in ocean transportation service, compliance of international treaties and national or regional regulations is absolutely essential. But such compliance is not enough for environmental protection; therefore, we are striving to develop new type machinery requiring less energy and emitting less CO2, NOx and SOx, et al. These activities are based on our EMS and requiring operation of so-called PDCA cycle (*2) to improve our activities and contribute to environmental protection.
Furthermore, the environmental activities in our office operations are also important issues even though the affection by the operations to the environment may be smaller than ship operation, but we recognize it is impossible to ignore them and are making efforts in our office work to minimize waste, energy consumption, paper, water, etc. One of the procedures to realize our office environmental activities is relocation of our Tokyo office which will move this autumn to "Iino Building" that is now under construction! We believe our operations in the new building will contribute to minimizing environmental load, improving environmental awareness and, of course, improving our ocean shipping services as well.
*1) the scope of application of our EMS
- Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" Line)
[Group companies]
- "K" Line Ship Management Co., Ltd.
- Taiyo Nippon Kisen Co., Ltd.
- Escobal Japan Ltd.
- "K" Line Ship Management (SINGAPORE) Pte. Ltd.
- "K" Line (Japan) Ltd.
- Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
*2) PDCA cycle :Repeating following 4 steps; Plan > Do > Check > Act, and
improve the operation continuously.
For further information please contact:
Makoto Arai
General Manager, IR & PR Group
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-3595-5189 Fax: +81-3-3595-5001
Toshiaki Takasaki
Manager, Information & Public Relations Team, IR & PR Group
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-3595-5083 Fax: +81-3-3595-5001